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Atlantic City car stop leads to stun gun, large amounts of drugs

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A motor vehicle stop in Atlantic City led to the recovery of several drugs and a stun gun, police said.

Damaine Davis was stopped for a traffic infraction at about 6:26 p.m. Thursday, Sgt. Paul Aristizabal said.

Officer Jesse Oliver-Logan found that Davis did not have a valid driver’s license, and conducted a search with the help of his K-9 partner, Gee.

The investigation led to the recovery of about 53 grams of suspected heroin, according to the report. A stun gun was also found.

Davis was arrested and then found in possession of 20 alprazolam prescription pills, and 19 oxycodone hydrochloride pills, Aristizabal said.

The officer also seized $470 believed to be proceeds of illegal drug sales.

Davis, 25, of Atlantic City, was charged with three counts each of possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute and possession with intent within 500 feet of public housing. He was also charged with unlawful possession of a weapon, possession of a weapon while committing a drug offense, certain persons not to possess a weapon, and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Davis was just arrested on drug charges in October of last year, court records show.

He was remanded to the Atlantic County Justice Facility.

Sunday, June 02, 2024
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