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Pleasantville man accused of stabbing woman in head with screwdriver

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A Pleasantville man is charged with stabbing a woman in the head several times with a screwdriver during a domestic dispute.
Rossanna Vargas-Delgado, 48, arrived Friday at the AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center's City Campus, where Detective Sgt. Brandon Stocks was called in reference to an aggravated assault, Lt. Stacy Schlachter said.
Officers initially went to the woman's home in the 400 block of South Main Street, but were told the stabbing didn't happen there and to check her aunt's home, according to the report.
At the aunt's home in the 800 block of Church Street, officers were pointed to the rear apartment, but no one answered, Schlachter said.
Officers looked through a window and found a bed in disarray with a clump of hair on the bed as well as blood on the bed and window sill, according to the report.
Further investigation found that Vargas-Delgado and Jorge Ponce-Hernandez had a dispute that resulted in a stabbing, Schlachter said.
Ponce-Hernandez admitted to assaulting the victim with a screwdriver, and trying to destroy the evidence, Schlachter said.
The 46-year-old man is charged with aggravated assault, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose and unlawful possession of a weapon.
He is housed in the Atlantic County Justice Facility.

Sunday, June 02, 2024
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