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Galloway man gets 10 years in overdose death

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A Galloway Township man was sentenced to 10 years in prison in the overdose death of another township man.

Anthony Tamburelli, 59, was found dead inside his home Dec. 17, 2018, of what was determined to be a fatal combination of heroin and fentanyl

Brian Whitted and Emery Chapman were accused of selling Tamburelli the fatal drugs.

Whitted, now 60, pleaded guilty last month to strict liability along with possession with intent and conspiracy. He received five- and 10-year terms, respectively, for the additional two charges, but they are all concurrent, meaning they don't add time to his overall sentence.

He must serve at least 85 percent of that time, or 8½ years. He already has served more than two years of that time.

Whitted pleaded guilty to strict liability along with possession with intent and conspiracy.

He faces 10 years when he is sentenced April 28. He must serve at lease 85 percent of any sentence under the No Early Release Acgt.

Chapman, now 44, is still jailed on the charges.

Sunday, June 02, 2024
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