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Atlantic City car stop leads to drug charges

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Two men were arrested with cocaine and marijuana after a car stop in Atlantic City last week.Sgt. TJ Moynihan stopped the vehicle in the 1100 block of Pacific Avenue for traffic and equipment violations, Sgt. Kevin Fair said Monday.While speaking with the driver, Moynihan could smell marijuana, according to the report.Driver James Harley Jr.'s license also was suspended, and there was a warrant for his arrest, Fair said.Harley, 31, of Sicklerville, and passenger Nasif Townsend were arrested after a backpack in the vehicle was found to have more than 106 grams of marijuana, clear sandwich bags, small yellow plastic containers and a digital scale, Fair said.When Officer Christian Ivanov searched Townsend, he also found 14½ grams of cocaine in his pocket, according to the report.Townsend, 34, of Atlantic City, and Harley were charged with possession and intent to distribution and released on summonses.


Lynda Cohen

Lynda Cohen founded BreakingAC after working as a local newspaper reporter for more than two decades. She is an NJPA award-winner and was a Stories of Atlantic City fellow.

Sunday, June 02, 2024
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