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Atlantic County bank robbery suspect was once A.C. poker tourney winner

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A man who once won an Atlantic City casino poker tournament is wanted in several bank robberies, including two in Atlantic County within four days.
Thomas Dougher was described as a serial bank robber by the FBI, who is also looking at him for bank robberies in Delaware and Pennsylvania.
He previously served time in federal prison for a string of bank robberies in 2007, records show.
But between his release in 2010 and this latest alleged spree, Dougher saw some success in the cards, when he came to the Borgata Casino Hotel and Spa to play in at least three tournaments from July 2015 to September 2016.
In the 2015 Summer Poker Open, he bested more than 2,500 players to earn a nearly $150,000 score, according to the Borgata blog written at the time. That was also one of his first live wins, as he mostly played online, the blog reported.
Dougher, 40, is now suspected in several bank robberies, including one Tuesday morning at the Sun National Bank in Northfield.
On Saturday, a man with the same description robbed the PNC Bank on the Black Horse Pike in Pleasantville.

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FBI Special Agent Jessica Weisman confirmed it was the same suspect in both robberies.
Delaware State Police put out a press release with a surveillance photo of a bearded man said to be Dougher, taken from surveillance at the Artisans Bank in Newark, Delaware.
In that case, the suspect handed the teller a demand note, and she turned over an undetermined amount of cash, Delaware State Police said.
It was a clean-shaven suspect who robbed the Sun Bank on Tuesday, according to a photo released by the FBI’s Northfield office.
He is described as a 5-foot-10 white male, 40 to 50 years of age, weighing about 170 to 180 pounds.
Anyone with information can call the FBI at 609-677-6400.


Lynda Cohen

BreakingAC founder who previously worked in newspapers for more than two decades. She is an NJPA award-winner and was a Stories of Atlantic City fellow.




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