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Employee allegations lead to suit vs Prosecutor Tyner

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Three women who sparked an investigation into the Atlantic County prosecutor will announce a lawsuit against him this week.
Lawyers for one-time acting Prosecutor Diane Ruberton, current Chief Assistant Prosecutor Donna Fetzer and retired Detective Lt. Heather McManus will hold a press conference Thursday morning, when the suit will be filed. 
The suit will name Atlantic County Prosecutor Damon Tyner, two of his top-ranking prosecutors, the office and the county. 
The three women previously wrote a letter asking the state to look into allegations they made against Tyner, including mortgage fraud. 

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The lawsuit will allege, among other things, Damon Tyner violated New Jersey law by creating a culture that favored men over women, turning a blind eye to instances and reports of sexual harassment and gender discrimination, and permitting retaliation against anyone who dared question this culture or other questionable conduct within the office.
Tyner demoted Ruberton after he was sworn in. Later he fired her, allegedly for questioning his practices, including alleged violations in the handling of the April Kauffman murder case.
Lawyers for the three women will be at the press conference at 11 a.m. Thursday, along with two of the women, according to an announcement made Tuesday.
The two women will be available for interviews. It’s expected that the one who will not be speak is Fetzer, who still works for the office.
Tyner had no comment on the case, his spokeswoman said.


Lynda Cohen

BreakingAC founder who previously worked in newspapers for more than two decades. She is an NJPA award-winner and was a Stories of Atlantic City fellow.




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