The current year was rich in new trends forced by the growth of artificial intelligence and following changes in approaches to research and presentation of information. For students who are going to choose a college or are already studying at it, knowing trends is essential to stay on top of their game.
The growth of AI tools and the development of different useful apps for college and university students provoke the shift of digitalization in all areas of education. However, writing unique texts without a 'human touch' is still impossible; using an AI text checker allows you to shift your essays to the next level. With the help of checkers online, students can reduce repeated words, adjust their tone of voice, check the text for grammar mistakes, and reduce plagiarism.
Achievements and portfolios students send to teachers also become digital, showcasing the personality and talents of an applicant in impressive visual formats.
Some years ago, the idea of having a one-year break between finishing high school and embarking on your college journey was taken skeptically by many. In 2024, more and more students are taking the gap year as an opportunity to develop a 'helicopter view' of their lives and future. For a modern student, taking a gap year is not a waste of time but an adventure that creates a space for networking and rewatching values.
True stories of growth and development told by student or their mentors get more value. The trend of personalization changes approaches to testing and grading in colleges. For example, many colleges make tests for applicants optional and focus on their personalities, goals, and valuable achievements. Recommendation letters from previous teachers must tell the story of growth and learning from mistakes, showing the ability of a student to cope with real-life scenarios.
More and more teachers pay more attention to students' soft skills than grades. Since AI technology development is increasing, human intelligence has become vital. If a student wants to write a killing personal statement to draw the attention of a committee. Mentioning soft skills is crucial. Among the factors that increase the chances for students to enroll in a desired educational organization are volunteer work and active involvement in social projects. Leaders and effective team players in high school quickly gain popularity in college.
The current year has shown an increase in opportunities for getting a scholarship or a grant. Financial aid comes from various sources, including governmental organizations, private businesses, charity foundations, and colleges themselves. A talented student can opt for a scholarship program in any subject, from fashion and show business to STEM.
After analyzing current college trends, we see how the growth of artificial intelligence shapes reality and influences all areas of life. The uncertainty of the real world, with its multiple scenarios, fosters the need to be flexible and provokes an increase in the importance of soft skills. Another growing trend is digitalization. AI apps help to work with texts and images. Online portfolios help to create the right impression and showcase the achievements of a student presenting them in visual form. More and more students are opting for having a gap year after high school. During the gap year, one can rework their strategy, try different jobs, and rewatch their values. The popularity of grants and other forms of financial aid is among the trends. Personalization and the importance of telling an individual story of a student shows the trend of being yourself. We hope that you enjoyed reading our article. Good luck!