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Atlantic City superintendent gets ticket in Absecon for parking in handicap spot

Dr. La'Quetta Small received a ticket for illegally parking in a handicap spot outside the Absecon Home Depot. (Photo Courtesy Johnny Exadaktilos)

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Atlantic City's embattled schools superintendent just got another court date. This time, in municipal court.

Dr. La'Quetta Small and her husband, Mayor Marty Small, are due in court this month to face criminal charges that include assault and child endangerment for alleged beatings inflicted on their 16-year-old daughter.

But now Dr. Small also has a July 15 court date in Absecon after she was caught parked in a handicapped parking spot at the Home Depot.

Her Chevrolet Tahoe was spotted parked in a handicap spot outside the Home Depot by an Atlantic City resident, according to Johnny Exadaktilos.

The Ducktown Tavern owner tells BreakingAC he saw Dr. Small enter the store as he was checking out on Friday afternoon.

He said he watched as she headed to the patio furniture, and then he left.

Photo courtesy Johnny Exadaktilos

"Merry (expletive) Christmas," Exadaktilos said a resident yelled to him before pointing to the vehicle parked between the normal handicap spot and the blue-crossed lines of the spot next to it that allows extra room for those who need to use wheelchairs or other aids.

Exadaktilos goes on Facebook Live weekly to talk about city issues, with the mayor a frequent target.

When he saw whose vehicle it was, Exadaktilos "did what I do and put them on blast," he said of going live on Facebook to share with his viewers before calling Absecon police.

But officers were not the only ones who responded, Exadaktilos told BreakingAC. An Atlantic City worker also showed up.

The man helped Small pack the two red umbrellas she purchased into her vehicle and took a photo of Exadaktilos' license plate, he claimed.

    Dr. La'Quetta Small makes a phone call while talking to an Absecon police officer (Photo Courtesy Johnny Exadaktilos)

Exadaktilos said there was a handicap placard in the window of Small's Tahoe, but said it belongs to her mother.

Mayor Small mentioned his mother-in-law's health issues during a press conference in City Hall addressing the search of his home that happened before the criminal charges were filed against the Smalls. He said they had been trying to get Dr. Small's mother to the doctor. 

A ticket has been entered into the system for Small being parked in the spot illegally. 

Neither she nor her husband responded to requests seeking comment.

    Another car with an Atlantic City worker showed up and parked behind Dr. Smalls' vehicle, Exadaktilos said.


Lynda Cohen

Lynda Cohen founded BreakingAC after working as a local newspaper reporter for more than two decades. She is an NJPA award-winner and was a Stories of Atlantic City fellow.

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