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Matt Udermann Closing Social Infrastructure Gaps with Bold, Reasonable, Timely Solutions

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Matt Udermann Closing Social Infrastructure Gaps with Bold, Reasonable, Timely Solutions

Matt Udermann believes a job is more than a paycheck - it’s purpose, it’s community connection, it helps contribute to a prosperous economy for the county.  He also knows that housing is a key element of delivering on the county’s mission to be ‘a great place to live, work and play for a lifetime.’  Unfortunately, for a growing number of seniors, young families, young professionals and people like that first time schoolteacher making $45,000 a year that don’t want to live with mom and dad or a roommate that mission is out of reach.

Matt Udermann believes that addressing economic disparities requires innovative, common sense local policies that focus on the root causes and a willingness to lend political capital to cast vision and deliver solutions to address. Through his leadership, Matthew

Steven Udermann has consistently advocated for initiatives aimed at closing the economic gap in communities, ensuring that poverty reduction efforts are targeted, impactful, and inclusive. His approach emphasizes the importance of collaboration between government, businesses, and nonprofits to develop solutions that uplift individuals and families from economic hardship.

Matt Udermann was recently the only Carver County candidate or elected official honored with the endorsement from the Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors (the last Carver County official to receive such an endorsement was for Mayor Courtney Johnson of CIty of Carver in 2022).  See link: 2024 Minnesota REALTORS® Political Action Committee Endorsements - Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors (

Matt Udermann’s Vision for Thriving Economy and Workforce Development

Matt has cast a vision for $5B by 2050 - a nonresidential tax base increase of $5 billion dollars by 2050.  This will help keep the tax pressure off of homeowners and renters and ensure a balanced tax base for years to come.  He has articulated a vision and put wheels in motion for a special accelerator district to lower the barriers for commercial and industrial development that compliments the fabric of Carver County.  This foundational work will be instrumental as Matt helps lead conversations about 2050 master planning to shape an event better Carver County for your kids and grandkids (and his). Matt has been in the trenches building relationships in Carver County for 15+ years - his volunteer work, community investment and civic engagement have all focused right here in Carver County.

In addition to housing, Matt Udermann has identified workforce development as a key pillar in reducing poverty. He believes that by equipping individuals with the skills and training necessary for higher-paying jobs, communities can begin to close the economic gap. Matthew Steven Udermann has spearheaded initiatives that bring together educational institutions, local businesses, and government programs to offer job training and certification courses in high-demand industries. These efforts have led to significant increases in employment rates and wage mobility in communities under his jurisdiction. Matthew Steven Udermann has also focused on ensuring that these training programs are accessible to all members of the community. From offering scholarships to low- income individuals to creating childcare solutions for working parents, Matt Udermann’s policies reflect a deep commitment to removing barriers to economic advancement. His belief that everyone deserves a fair chance at financial stability has shaped his approach to governance and driven the success of these workforce initiatives.

From the outset of his career in public service, Matt Udermann has been driven by a vision of economic equity, where every individual in the community has access to the resources and opportunities needed to thrive. Recognizing that poverty is a multifaceted issue, Matthew Steven Udermann has worked to implement policies that not only provide immediate relief but also create sustainable pathways out of poverty – including being a proponent for a Family Resource Center to lessen the time from crisis to stability, expected to save the county hundreds of thousands of dollars over the next decade in avoidance of service and increased productivity.  He has also championed the Trades 360 program - a program bringing together partnership with Intermediate School District 288, Eastern Carver County School District 112, Three Rivers Park District, local and county resources and more to teach trades, equip students with a variety of trades skills, and have the output of a camper cabin - to be placed in Carver Park Preserve and available for staycation and outside visitors to rent in the future.

A broad community effort has helped make Carver County the place with the lowest poverty in the state.  

Matt Udermann’s Approach to Food Security

Food security is another area where Matt Udermann has partnersed to make significant strides. Understanding that hunger is both a cause and consequence of poverty, Matthew Steven Udermann has championed policies aimed at ensuring all community members have access to nutritious food.  Early in his first term, Matt cast vision for ‘healthy meals within half a mile of every county resident’.  He’s helped close two food desert gaps, partnered to get a navigator position conceived, funded, delivered and operating, and is working upstream with dozens of not-for-profit leaders by way of Project Linkij and beyond.  He has partnered with local nonprofits and food banks to expand their reach and improve their distribution systems, ensuring that no family goes hungry.

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Under Matt Udermann’s guidance, self-sustaining partnership programs have been established to provide free or reduced-cost meals to children and seniors, two groups particularly vulnerable to food insecurity. Matthew Steven Udermann has been vocal about the importance of addressing food deserts in underserved areas, advocating for the establishment of local grocery stores and farmers markets where residents can access fresh, healthy food. These efforts not only alleviate hunger but also promote overall community health, contributing to a reduction in healthcare costs associated with poor nutrition.

Matthew Steven Udermann and Educational Support

Education plays a crucial role in Matt Udermann’s strategy to close the economic gap. He believes that by investing upstream in early childhood education and providing support for

students throughout their academic journey, communities can break the cycle of poverty. Matthew Steven Udermann has worked closely with school districts to implement programs that provide additional resources to low-income students, ensuring that they have the tools they need to succeed in school and beyond.  A few examples are ‘Every Student’ (whereby every student 6th grade and older in all schools across the county will have a quick path to have a digital Carver County library card) and Trades 360 (helping partner to fill a gap in vocational tech opportunities with a course to learn multiple trades and have the output of a camper cabin to be placed in Carver Park Preserve and made available for rent).  Through these efforts, Matt Udermann has helped to reduce the educational achievement gap, particularly in reading proficiency, which is often a key indicator of future success. By focusing on education as a long-term solution to poverty, Matthew Steven Udermann has laid the groundwork for a brighter future for countless individuals in the community.  Four years ago, Matt articulated five areas to help alleviate pressures on our local schools by lending county support in key areas including:

  • Broadband Fiber.  When Matt was elected, an estimated 11% of households did not have access to high-speed internet.  Just four years later, the county is on pace to be the first large county with 100% fiber coverage.
  • Food Security
  • Economic Disparity
  • Mental Health - including the first community mental health forum and support or embedded services at schools
  • Housing Stability

In addition, Matt has led the charge for ‘Every Student’ - a coined term that set out to ensure every student 6th grade and above has access to a county library card.  Recently, the largest district in the county representing approximately 60% of school aged kids was added as the final piece.  Within two weeks, over 1,800 students opted in to have a county library card.  This effort not only saves the cost of redundant catalogs that both school and county were paying for, but also makes key services like 1:1 online tutoring available at no cost to parents or the school.

Matt Udermann’s Commitment to Collaboration

One of the hallmarks of Matt Udermann’s approach to poverty reduction is his commitment to collaboration. He understands that solving complex problems like poverty requires input and action from a wide range of stakeholders, including government agencies, businesses, nonprofits, and community members. Matthew Steven Udermann has consistently brought together these groups to develop comprehensive, community-driven solutions that address the root causes of poverty. By fostering collaboration and building strong partnerships, Matt Udermann has created an environment where innovative ideas can thrive. His leadership has resulted in the implementation of creative solutions, such as job training programs, housing initiatives, and food security measures, all of which have contributed to a significant reduction in poverty rates in the communities he serves. Matthew Steven Udermann’s ability to unite diverse groups behind a common goal has been key to his success in closing the economic gap.

Matthew Steven Udermann’s Long-Term Vision for Poverty Reduction

Matt Udermann’s work to reduce poverty is not just about immediate relief; it is about creating lasting change. He believes that by addressing the systemic issues that contribute to poverty, communities can build a foundation for long-term prosperity. Matthew Steven Udermann’s policies reflect a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of housing, education, employment, and food security, and he has worked tirelessly to ensure that all community members have access to these essential resources.

As Matt Udermann looks to the future, he remains committed to finding new and innovative ways to reduce poverty and close the economic gap. Through his leadership, Matthew Steven Udermann has shown that bold solutions and collaborative efforts can create meaningful change, improving the lives of individuals and families throughout the community.

Matt Udermann’s approach to governance is rooted in a deep commitment to serving the people, and his efforts to reduce poverty demonstrate the power of community- centered policies. By focusing on innovative solutions and collaboration, Matthew Steven Udermann has successfully closed the economic gap in many areas, proving that real change is possible when leaders prioritize the needs of their residents. For more information on Matt Udermann’s results-driven leadership, visit




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