Speeding is still a major cause of accidents in the country. In 2022, 12,152 traffic fatalities were caused by speeding. This accounts for 26% of car accident deaths.
When a car speeds, the kinetic energy doubles. This means that during a collision, greater force is applied to the vehicle, which increases the severity of the injuries and chances of fatalities.
Victims of car-related incidents as a result of speeding are entitled to compensation. An experienced speeding accident lawyer can help you prove negligence and build your case. Keep reading to understand more about why speeding is a leading cause of severe car crashes.
A major danger when it comes to speeding is the inability to quickly react to sudden changes on the road. This can be the car in front of you suddenly braking, a pedestrian crossing, or an obstacle such as an animal appearing on the road.
This often leads to rear-end collisions. In some cases, a driver might try to swerve, which leads to them losing control altogether.
High speeds affect the ability of a vehicle to stop safely. A faster car takes longer to slow down or stop completely.
This is very dangerous, especially in areas with high traffic when tailgating or near intersections. Additionally, if an emergency stop is required, a driver won't be able to do so in time.
As mentioned, it is easy for a driver to lose control when traveling at high speeds. This is even more risky when driving in curved areas, wet roads, or uneven terrain.
Speed increases the chances of skidding, hydroplaning, or rolling over multiple times, which has more serious consequences.
High-speed crashes are more intense compared to cars that are driving within the required limit. This is because of the following reasons:
The force of impact in a crash is significantly higher at greater speeds. This means that even a minor collision can cause devastating injuries or worse fatalities.
The human body cannot withstand a lot of force. At high velocities, safety features like airbags and seatbelts may not be enough to prevent serious harm.
Apart from endangering lives, speeding leads to costly property damage. Vehicles involved in high-speed crashes are often totaled or require expensive repairs.
Additionally, infrastructure such as guardrails, traffic signs, and buildings can be damaged.
According to statistics, a 1% increase in the average speed leads to a 4% increase in the risk of a fatal crash. This shows how even going over the limit by a small percentage can risk your safety and that of other road users.
Pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists are more vulnerable in high-speed crashes as they have very little protection from the collision.
Speeding is very dangerous and puts drivers, passengers, and several other people at risk. You can sustain severe, life-threatening injuries or even lose your life on the road. It is very important for drivers to stick to the speed limits and remain vigilant while on the road.