Atlantic City Electric is making it easier to track storms and power outages.The company announced Tuesday that it made enhancements to its online interactive outage map to provide customers with more helpful information. The changes will deliver more weather and system status information during critical events. Using Google MapsBetter, map views will give better insight into the severity and duration of storms through a storm-alert banner posted directly to the outage map.It now has the option to overlay weather radar on the outage map, providing greater detail on the start time, cause, geographical impact and estimated restoration for an outage, according to the company.Customers will also be able to bookmark certain map views to easily access their home or business.“We know that when severe weather strikes and power outages occur, our customers want personalized information at their fingertips,” said Gary Stockbridge, Atlantic City Electric region president. “The next generation of our outage map delivers an enhanced user experience, helping our customers make informed decisions when their service is impacted and building on our ongoing efforts to better serve our customers.”
Atlantic City Electric’s outage map is available at It is also available through a mobile app on either iPhone or Android, with the ability for customers to report outages and manage their alerts.It is available at
WHAT TO DO WHEN AN OUTAGE HAPPENSCustomers should immediately contact Atlantic City Electric when an outage happens.Reports can be made by calling 800-833-7476 or visiting