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Domestic charges dropped against Atlantic City officer

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Charges have been dropped against an Atlantic City Class II officer facing a municipal court trial over alleged threats made in a domestic incident.
The victim decided to drop the complaint, he said in a letter sent to the court.
Alim Adams, 22, and the complainant were in Pleasantville Municipal Court on Monday to officially drop the case.
The alleged victim is not being named due to the nature of the case.
Adams previously told BreakingAC that the matter was a misunderstanding.
In the letter sent to the court, the alleged victim said he believed it was a mistake.
"Sometimes life causes humans to respond irrationally (make mistakes) in heated situations but I also believe this is one of the reasons pencils are made with erasers," the man wrote in the letter referenced during a brief appearance before Judge Richard Fauntleroy. "I trust this matter is one of those instances where the eraser can be utilized instead of proceeding to trial and further jeopardizing the law enforcement career of a young African American male who made a mistake."
The decision to drop the charges was made after the two met separately with religious leaders.
Adams allegedly threatened to kill the man and followed him at a high rate of speed to the Pleasantville Police Department on July 20. 

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Lynda Cohen

BreakingAC founder who previously worked in newspapers for more than two decades. She is an NJPA award-winner and was a Stories of Atlantic City fellow.




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